Monday, December 3, 2007


"SQ17... 1145pm... hmm..." 我望着flight information board.... 内心非常 excited... midnight 的airport aircon, super 冷... almost time 了... 快去belt 37 吧...


"hey, its me. Are you going to be very busy for the next few weeks? *hugz* miss you"

"hi baby! its been so long! i miss you! where have you been? I'm not very busy nowadays. Its going to be Christmas soon! so work's slowed a little."

"Thinking. Straightening out my thoughts. Great. I'm coming over then. Will email you when I'm home. ttyl."

回家后看了看email... 原来她临时决定来看我,就马上买了机票。piang...

biang... 12月 的 singapore.... everyday 下雨... 是不是global warming? 为什么这么冷?? then somemore snowcity 搬到 airport 了.... air con 冷到~~~~~~

两手插进 pocket... 好冷... 我望着地上,看着我的shoes... 发呆... 好像念英国的冬天....

hmm.. 突然有个人 stopped in front of me. 我抬起了头... in front of me, 站着个有一点点chubby, but skin 很好, bak jiu si bei dua liap 的女孩

"ah..." biang... 在美女面前,便哑巴了... mouth 里好像有potato 一样... tio stuck...

"aaah!!!!!" 她尖叫了一声, trolley push aside 就 pounce on me... wa lao! confirm 很多人听到... also 还好我壮如牛! easily 抱得起她... 2 1/2 year army.. 不是骗人的ok!

美... 在雨天无聊时上网在internet 认识的你... 又在冷冷的雨天终于遇见了你.... 你赢了lor...


sorry, this is not deathnote, but you still need to start reading from the first post, if not catch no balls