Sunday, 雨天
Lily已经有好多天没有online 了。
她和他,在一起5年了。他是她friend 的friend。在一个trip 时认识的。在一起5 years了。感情还好。她every morning 会make breakfast 给他。工作时会send sms给他;睡觉之前会想他。等他下班;等他回家;等他过生日;等他过christmas.他送她的每一封信,每一个sms,每一朵玫瑰,每个回忆,她都保留着。Lily对他就像古天乐对张伯之一样:只疼他一个,宠他,不会骗他,答应他的每一件事情都会做到,对他说的每一句话都是真心话;不欺负他,不骂他,相信他;他开心她就陪他开心,他不开心时会哄他开心,永远觉得他最帅,梦里面也会见到他,在她的心里面只有他。
而他也和她的friend 混的not bad. especially the girls. 也因为她们,她和他break 了。
长话说短,他和她的best friend 上床了。酒醉三分醒,她不接受他的解释,也不能forgive 她的best friend。多年的爱情,和friendship, 就这样gone case。
hai... 红颜祸水。
(last sunday....)
"i'm very tired, been crying all day. i'll go to bed now."
"ok. you take care dear. i'll see you soon" 和她聊了这么久,从没听过她说 tired, 都是我说的。她online, 可以聊到4-5am vancouver time....
after that day, 就没有再看到她online.....
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
像 You 像 Me
"what mouse walk on 2 legs?"
"errm.... i give up"
"Mickey Mouse!"
"ok, the next question.. what duck walk on 2 legs?"
"Donald Duck!"
"errmm.... all ducks walk on 2 legs. hahahahaha"
"omg! hilarious! lol"
我们天天聊,most of the time 闲聊就会讲冷笑话。不过很可惜, a lot of 冷笑话都是in chinese的,她又看不懂,cultural 也不一样。有a lot of 无聊的冷笑话cannot say. lol.
monday 的时候......
"what are you doing now?"
"me? watching tv. there's a show on tv. last episode. some vampire serial". 我和马小玲的约会,3 times a week 都会有。
"what's that?"
"some cantonese vampire show. about this group of people who are vampire, good vampires, and they battle different things all the time. this is the 3rd season, they are battling fate. i'll send u a pic. :p" 我send 了永恒国度的pic 给她。

"omg! i love this show!"
duh... 她也有看僵尸的meh? oh. 忘了僵尸originally 是cantonese 的。
"yap. we call them chapter movies here. i've finished watching all 3 seasons already."
"me too. this is a re-run. lol. but i still love it all the same." cos i love 马小玲 mah. hmm... 天涯oso cute... lol .... "the love story is nice. it is not as romantic or epic as plots in other movies, but it is interesting nevertheless. imagine! 2 vampires, living forever, together! don't you just wish u and ur bf can be like that!" 直教人生死相许,天南地北双飞燕,老翅几回寒暑,欢乐趣,离别苦,就中更有痴儿女,君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,指影向谁去.... Deny thy father and refuse thy name;Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,And I'll no longer be a Capulet.... 曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我面前,但我没有珍惜,直到失去以后才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此..... 我妈说我memory差,什么事都记不了。exam 时always forget things. but 有些话study 的时候觉得interesting, 都会去背... cos 以后easier to 骗女孩子.... end up 有些东西一背,一辈子都忘不了....
MSN 好像hang 了。我的lily 没有反应.... 我send 了ah boon 一个"oi! boon!"
"没事。check check 我的MSN 有没有hang"
"bo liao!"
MSN 没hang leh。荷花妹有事时会 BRB 的。是不是我说了something wrong? 难道她是僵尸?!
"........" 她send 了个点点点
"i don't think that will happen to me. i just broke up with my bf"
"errm.... i give up"
"Mickey Mouse!"
"ok, the next question.. what duck walk on 2 legs?"
"Donald Duck!"
"errmm.... all ducks walk on 2 legs. hahahahaha"
"omg! hilarious! lol"
我们天天聊,most of the time 闲聊就会讲冷笑话。不过很可惜, a lot of 冷笑话都是in chinese的,她又看不懂,cultural 也不一样。有a lot of 无聊的冷笑话cannot say. lol.
monday 的时候......
"what are you doing now?"
"me? watching tv. there's a show on tv. last episode. some vampire serial". 我和马小玲的约会,3 times a week 都会有。
"what's that?"
"some cantonese vampire show. about this group of people who are vampire, good vampires, and they battle different things all the time. this is the 3rd season, they are battling fate. i'll send u a pic. :p" 我send 了永恒国度的pic 给她。

"omg! i love this show!"
duh... 她也有看僵尸的meh? oh. 忘了僵尸originally 是cantonese 的。
"yap. we call them chapter movies here. i've finished watching all 3 seasons already."
"me too. this is a re-run. lol. but i still love it all the same." cos i love 马小玲 mah. hmm... 天涯oso cute... lol .... "the love story is nice. it is not as romantic or epic as plots in other movies, but it is interesting nevertheless. imagine! 2 vampires, living forever, together! don't you just wish u and ur bf can be like that!" 直教人生死相许,天南地北双飞燕,老翅几回寒暑,欢乐趣,离别苦,就中更有痴儿女,君应有语,渺万里层云,千山暮雪,指影向谁去.... Deny thy father and refuse thy name;Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,And I'll no longer be a Capulet.... 曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我面前,但我没有珍惜,直到失去以后才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此..... 我妈说我memory差,什么事都记不了。exam 时always forget things. but 有些话study 的时候觉得interesting, 都会去背... cos 以后easier to 骗女孩子.... end up 有些东西一背,一辈子都忘不了....
MSN 好像hang 了。我的lily 没有反应.... 我send 了ah boon 一个"oi! boon!"
"没事。check check 我的MSN 有没有hang"
"bo liao!"
MSN 没hang leh。荷花妹有事时会 BRB 的。是不是我说了something wrong? 难道她是僵尸?!
"........" 她send 了个点点点
"i don't think that will happen to me. i just broke up with my bf"
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