这么多人MSN我。你们很鸡婆leh!I already figure out the song了。要知道the name of the song?! 给你们tips 吧。如果还不知道是什么歌then 就 too bad!
我用英文的words, translate 到广东话,就是歌词了。
还有,我现在用的是MSN,不是ICQ lah!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
歌 song
over the past few days, almost 每天都和荷花聊天。
最近market 很好,很容易找工作。我也去try try,就这样找到了a new job。所以现在是tender resignation period,懒懒的,每天只是handover 而已,所以最近都和荷花聊得很久。比和人chit chat 还要多啊!日以继夜,no sleep no rest 的和她聊。
"... and she just go on and on, jumping up and down on the sofa until she broke it! we didn't tell the guy when we left, but I think we cannot sing there anymore. They must have caught it on the video or something." 她在说她last week 去唱karaoke 的事。
"hahahaha. oh no! i must keep you and your friends far far away from my sofa!"
"I am now you moron! I'm half way around the world from you!" 我突然想起了 halfway around the world.. that won't stop me from loving you... halfway around the world... i'll still be feeling the way i do...

荷花是一个很chio 的女孩。一点点瓜子脸,好大的眼睛,好长的eye lash,好可爱的鼻子,好性感的嘴唇.... 和她聊起来,印象是一个活泼开朗的女孩,很涛人喜欢,always think about others。她朋友很多,常常都作一些很crazy的事情。但是很奇怪的事,她都不谈她男朋友的.....
"who's songs do you like?"
"avril lavigne, celin dion, whitney houston..." 什么阿里拉比,西玲地痒.... 我是听933长大的.... "sometimes sheryl crow. what about you?"
"me? I do mandarin, cantonese, korean and japanese.... maybe cos it very asian here..."
"oh really?! I like cantonese songs too. but it is kind of hard to get them here in van. i can converse but i can't read or write, except my own name. its quite difficult to find the CDs here too, and I can't find the mp3 online."
"hmm... which song do you want? I can try to find the mp3 for you. i can type in chinese, it is easier to search in chinese"
"hmm. there is this song i like a lot. it is an old song really. my mom likes it a lot, so i kinda get influenced..... Can you help me, darling?"
升级了,变大铃了。ring... ring... ring....
"do you know the title?"
"no... i can sing it though. but i can't write."
"ok. you can sing and record into your computer and send me the file. i can listen to your voice and try to figure out the song at the same time!"
"hahaha i don't want to spoil my mic or break your speakers! lol"
"ok, let me see. the song goes like this... nam fun zarn e car, yarn mint door something something, gay she yout gong dong weng wa..."
"hahahahah there is no way i can figure that out!!!"
"awww... pleaseeee........"
自古英雄难过美人关,美人撒娇铁汉软。用这一招,江山都可以给你了。 "ok.. ok... i'll try..."
"awwww thank you! mmmmmmmuah!"
电子 kiss, 通过internet, 通过monitor explode 了出来。这种感觉,就像夏天的海滩;鞋里的沙,习习的海风,咸咸的海水在嘴边....
*snap* *snap* 醒醒!oh no.... 又在daydream 了。
咳,没办法,帮她找吧....... 我总是心太软... 心太软.......
over the past few days, almost 每天都和荷花聊天。
最近market 很好,很容易找工作。我也去try try,就这样找到了a new job。所以现在是tender resignation period,懒懒的,每天只是handover 而已,所以最近都和荷花聊得很久。比和人chit chat 还要多啊!日以继夜,no sleep no rest 的和她聊。
"... and she just go on and on, jumping up and down on the sofa until she broke it! we didn't tell the guy when we left, but I think we cannot sing there anymore. They must have caught it on the video or something." 她在说她last week 去唱karaoke 的事。
"hahahaha. oh no! i must keep you and your friends far far away from my sofa!"
"I am now you moron! I'm half way around the world from you!" 我突然想起了 halfway around the world.. that won't stop me from loving you... halfway around the world... i'll still be feeling the way i do...

荷花是一个很chio 的女孩。一点点瓜子脸,好大的眼睛,好长的eye lash,好可爱的鼻子,好性感的嘴唇.... 和她聊起来,印象是一个活泼开朗的女孩,很涛人喜欢,always think about others。她朋友很多,常常都作一些很crazy的事情。但是很奇怪的事,她都不谈她男朋友的.....
"who's songs do you like?"
"avril lavigne, celin dion, whitney houston..." 什么阿里拉比,西玲地痒.... 我是听933长大的.... "sometimes sheryl crow. what about you?"
"me? I do mandarin, cantonese, korean and japanese.... maybe cos it very asian here..."
"oh really?! I like cantonese songs too. but it is kind of hard to get them here in van. i can converse but i can't read or write, except my own name. its quite difficult to find the CDs here too, and I can't find the mp3 online."
"hmm... which song do you want? I can try to find the mp3 for you. i can type in chinese, it is easier to search in chinese"
"hmm. there is this song i like a lot. it is an old song really. my mom likes it a lot, so i kinda get influenced..... Can you help me, darling?"
升级了,变大铃了。ring... ring... ring....
"do you know the title?"
"no... i can sing it though. but i can't write."
"ok. you can sing and record into your computer and send me the file. i can listen to your voice and try to figure out the song at the same time!"
"hahaha i don't want to spoil my mic or break your speakers! lol"
"ok, let me see. the song goes like this... nam fun zarn e car, yarn mint door something something, gay she yout gong dong weng wa..."
"hahahahah there is no way i can figure that out!!!"
"awww... pleaseeee........"
自古英雄难过美人关,美人撒娇铁汉软。用这一招,江山都可以给你了。 "ok.. ok... i'll try..."
"awwww thank you! mmmmmmmuah!"
电子 kiss, 通过internet, 通过monitor explode 了出来。这种感觉,就像夏天的海滩;鞋里的沙,习习的海风,咸咸的海水在嘴边....
*snap* *snap* 醒醒!oh no.... 又在daydream 了。
咳,没办法,帮她找吧....... 我总是心太软... 心太软.......
Friday, May 25, 2007
斯坦利公园 stanley park
"hello my dear prince!" 她又在msg我了。 "how are you?"
"hello my dear water lily" 以比之道,还施比身。我是她的dear, 那么她也是我的dear lor.
"aiya, don't call me dear. I will blush"
我这时起了疑心。"aiya? this is not in the english language right?"
我还以为她是ang mo。原来她是asian 来的。她妈(ops)是vietnamese, 她爸是hong konger,所以不只会english, 也会一点点vietnamese,而家中是讲cantonese的。在canada出世的她,在学校只学英文,而中文是自己学的,所以只会看一点点。她喜欢听英文歌,因为家里是说广东话,所以也会听广东歌from hong kong。 wow... so interesting...
"... you're not bad yourself, you speak English, Mandarin, Hainanese and Japanese"
"aiya, you are making me blush" 哈哈哈
她是在canada customs工作的,同时也在一所high school教书。爸爸开餐馆。平时喜欢逛街,看戏,听歌,biking。
"i like to cycle too. we have a place called east coast park, almost everyone goes there at least once in a while to cycle".
"yap. cos this is a small country. someone once mention if you drive your car in the fourth gear, the car will plunge into the sea. hahaha"
"hahaha. who is the person? some comedian?"
"no... a prime minister of another country.... lol"
"hahaha, the States poke fun of us all the time."
"ditto" 和她聊了几天,england 也变powerful了。
在vancouver,也有个像east coast park的地方,叫stanley park。

hmmm... 真的好像oh! 斯坦利公园... stanley park...
In 1886, Vancouver's first City Council made a momentous decision by petitioning the Federal Government to lease 1,000 acres of a largely logged peninsula for park and recreation purposes. Following the establishment of the fledgling city's first official "greenspace", Council decided to set up an autonomous and separately elected committee to govern all park and recreation matters in Vancouver. And so the Vancouver Board of Parks & Recreation was born, the only elected body of its kind in Canada. The system now includes more than 200 parks (over 1300 hectares) but its heart remains in the cool, lush, evergreen oasis of Stanley Park, named for Lord Stanley, Governor General of Canada in 1888 when the park was officially opened.
Yearly visits to this, North America's third largest urban core park, are estimated at eight million people. Originally home to Burrard, Musqueam and Squamish First Nations people, Stanley Park as you see it today was not one designer's grand scheme but more an evolution of a pioneer city's hopes and dreams; a place for its citizens to recreate themselves through active sport or passive repose.
哇kao, 我们的east coast park cannot fight. history 没有人家的久, land 没人家的大。 哈哈哈
"hello my dear water lily" 以比之道,还施比身。我是她的dear, 那么她也是我的dear lor.
"aiya, don't call me dear. I will blush"
我这时起了疑心。"aiya? this is not in the english language right?"
我还以为她是ang mo。原来她是asian 来的。她妈(ops)是vietnamese, 她爸是hong konger,所以不只会english, 也会一点点vietnamese,而家中是讲cantonese的。在canada出世的她,在学校只学英文,而中文是自己学的,所以只会看一点点。她喜欢听英文歌,因为家里是说广东话,所以也会听广东歌from hong kong。 wow... so interesting...
"... you're not bad yourself, you speak English, Mandarin, Hainanese and Japanese"
"aiya, you are making me blush" 哈哈哈
她是在canada customs工作的,同时也在一所high school教书。爸爸开餐馆。平时喜欢逛街,看戏,听歌,biking。
"i like to cycle too. we have a place called east coast park, almost everyone goes there at least once in a while to cycle".
"yap. cos this is a small country. someone once mention if you drive your car in the fourth gear, the car will plunge into the sea. hahaha"
"hahaha. who is the person? some comedian?"
"no... a prime minister of another country.... lol"
"hahaha, the States poke fun of us all the time."
"ditto" 和她聊了几天,england 也变powerful了。
在vancouver,也有个像east coast park的地方,叫stanley park。

hmmm... 真的好像oh! 斯坦利公园... stanley park...
In 1886, Vancouver's first City Council made a momentous decision by petitioning the Federal Government to lease 1,000 acres of a largely logged peninsula for park and recreation purposes. Following the establishment of the fledgling city's first official "greenspace", Council decided to set up an autonomous and separately elected committee to govern all park and recreation matters in Vancouver. And so the Vancouver Board of Parks & Recreation was born, the only elected body of its kind in Canada. The system now includes more than 200 parks (over 1300 hectares) but its heart remains in the cool, lush, evergreen oasis of Stanley Park, named for Lord Stanley, Governor General of Canada in 1888 when the park was officially opened.
Yearly visits to this, North America's third largest urban core park, are estimated at eight million people. Originally home to Burrard, Musqueam and Squamish First Nations people, Stanley Park as you see it today was not one designer's grand scheme but more an evolution of a pioneer city's hopes and dreams; a place for its citizens to recreate themselves through active sport or passive repose.
哇kao, 我们的east coast park cannot fight. history 没有人家的久, land 没人家的大。 哈哈哈
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
荷花 lily
Afternoon 的时候,在ICQ 逛逛, 又在看有没有人还在ICQ 上,找个stranger 吧。真没心情work。
"Oh Oh", 我的ICQ叫了。哇 weird leh, 通常都是我search 人,都很少遇到人家search 我的。
"hello" 一个叫荷花的在msg 我。
"hi. intro?"
"f 26. u?" 哇seh! cha bor leh! so good... got ger find me... 不知道是真实假。usually internet 都有pervert 扮 chabor, 很无聊hor....
"m 27 :) nice to meet you!"
"how are you?"
"fine. fine. you? where are you from?"
"i'm ok.. i guess... i'm from canada" 这女孩是真的吗?! ang mo leh! 有女孩找我已经不常见了,还有canada 的ang mo?! 哇 我要中toto 了。hmm... 看起来好像心情不是很还,难怪这么无聊找人聊天。
"wow. i've never been to canada before, but i think its a nice place. i'm from singapore"
"i know. i saw your details." 不会吧。就这样,没有下一句了?那我怎么接下去啊。
"so which part of canada are you from?"
"vancouver" 快手快脚,上网找vancouver 的weather. BINGO! 9 degrees.
"must be cold isnt it, 9 degrees now"
"yea. lol. you are fast aren't you."
"lol, well i got to find something to talk about right?" 厉害吧!but 还不知道是不是真的女孩。
"yes. it is pretty cold here. not freezing like last week, but still cold. so, tell me about singapore. what are you working as?"
"i'm a programmer with a tiny little company. singapore? pretty much a boring place. there's nothing much to see here. except maybe one or two man made stuff and that's it. you havent been here before right?" 算了。就当他是个真的chabor 吧。反正我现在很无聊。打发时间吧。
"no. i've got a few friends who are from singapore. online friends. just like you. they told me a lot about singapore, and i am very interested about your country too. so i did a search for everyone in singapore who are online and send hellos to them. you will not believe the number of people who replied. none!"
"hahaha.... my dear, that's because no one uses ICQ anymore" 哇 这女孩是什么年代的,不知道没人用ICQ了吗。
"i know. pretty sad, isn't it. it has this nice feature where you can find someone randomly to chat with". hmm... 英雄所见略同。
"i totally agree...."
"i gtg. my bf is calling. i'll talk to you soon, ok?"
"ok. see ya!" 又是个cheap thrill 的,说每到几句就走了。算了。也不把她加进我的friends list里了。这种都加,我的ICQ 就爆了。
Afternoon 的时候,在ICQ 逛逛, 又在看有没有人还在ICQ 上,找个stranger 吧。真没心情work。
"Oh Oh", 我的ICQ叫了。哇 weird leh, 通常都是我search 人,都很少遇到人家search 我的。
"hello" 一个叫荷花的在msg 我。
"hi. intro?"
"f 26. u?" 哇seh! cha bor leh! so good... got ger find me... 不知道是真实假。usually internet 都有pervert 扮 chabor, 很无聊hor....
"m 27 :) nice to meet you!"
"how are you?"
"fine. fine. you? where are you from?"
"i'm ok.. i guess... i'm from canada" 这女孩是真的吗?! ang mo leh! 有女孩找我已经不常见了,还有canada 的ang mo?! 哇 我要中toto 了。hmm... 看起来好像心情不是很还,难怪这么无聊找人聊天。
"wow. i've never been to canada before, but i think its a nice place. i'm from singapore"
"i know. i saw your details." 不会吧。就这样,没有下一句了?那我怎么接下去啊。
"so which part of canada are you from?"
"vancouver" 快手快脚,上网找vancouver 的weather. BINGO! 9 degrees.
"must be cold isnt it, 9 degrees now"
"yea. lol. you are fast aren't you."
"lol, well i got to find something to talk about right?" 厉害吧!but 还不知道是不是真的女孩。
"yes. it is pretty cold here. not freezing like last week, but still cold. so, tell me about singapore. what are you working as?"
"i'm a programmer with a tiny little company. singapore? pretty much a boring place. there's nothing much to see here. except maybe one or two man made stuff and that's it. you havent been here before right?" 算了。就当他是个真的chabor 吧。反正我现在很无聊。打发时间吧。
"no. i've got a few friends who are from singapore. online friends. just like you. they told me a lot about singapore, and i am very interested about your country too. so i did a search for everyone in singapore who are online and send hellos to them. you will not believe the number of people who replied. none!"
"hahaha.... my dear, that's because no one uses ICQ anymore" 哇 这女孩是什么年代的,不知道没人用ICQ了吗。
"i know. pretty sad, isn't it. it has this nice feature where you can find someone randomly to chat with". hmm... 英雄所见略同。
"i totally agree...."
"i gtg. my bf is calling. i'll talk to you soon, ok?"
"ok. see ya!" 又是个cheap thrill 的,说每到几句就走了。算了。也不把她加进我的friends list里了。这种都加,我的ICQ 就爆了。
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
累 shag
昨晚meet 了一个friend online on ICQ. 好久没上ICQ 了。都没有人在ICQ anymore。 but 上去是因为要找些朋友的email。看到了lin。
"oi, why you still on ICQ? so ancient liao u still use ah?"
"look who's talking" lin 说 "you got MSN or not, u ancient ah peh"
"of course lah! come here to grab some email address only. i actually like ICQ, can search for strangers to chit chat. msn cannot. sometimes bored mah, want to find people to chat. so i still use icq lor." then 我就给了lin 我的msn
"so late liao still awake ah?" lin 在msn msg 我.
"hai, cannot sleep leh. damn bored. nvm, going to koon now"
"ok good night"
我真的很无聊对吗? but 有时和stranger 聊天很interesting 的。我有好多朋友是在ICQ search 出来的 oh! lin 也是其中之一。
昨晚meet 了一个friend online on ICQ. 好久没上ICQ 了。都没有人在ICQ anymore。 but 上去是因为要找些朋友的email。看到了lin。
"oi, why you still on ICQ? so ancient liao u still use ah?"
"look who's talking" lin 说 "you got MSN or not, u ancient ah peh"
"of course lah! come here to grab some email address only. i actually like ICQ, can search for strangers to chit chat. msn cannot. sometimes bored mah, want to find people to chat. so i still use icq lor." then 我就给了lin 我的msn
"so late liao still awake ah?" lin 在msn msg 我.
"hai, cannot sleep leh. damn bored. nvm, going to koon now"
"ok good night"
我真的很无聊对吗? but 有时和stranger 聊天很interesting 的。我有好多朋友是在ICQ search 出来的 oh! lin 也是其中之一。
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sorry, this is not deathnote, but you still need to start reading from the first post, if not catch no balls |